Golden Season Police Baton are suitable for all emergency situation. It can be use as warning lights, call for S.O.S. Help, can use to control traffic in the street by turning on the lights into a rotate mode and use as an ordinary baton to protect yourself. It’s light features differentiate Golden Season Baton to other Baton available on the market. The Golden Season Baton has 5 different lights mode rotate, quad flash, Alternating blinks, S.O.S Rescue (Morse Code) and Steady on- High. You can choose the right mode of light operation in a different emergency situation.
How to operate
To turn off the flare without cycling through the 5 light patterns,press and hold the ON/OFF BUTTON for 2seconds. One LED will flash five times and then turn off. When ready to operate again,press the ON/OFF BUTTON and it will return to the last flash pattern that was selected before turning off.